How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene in 4 Simple Steps

How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene in 4 Simple Steps

We’re sharing simple tips to help improve your sleep hygiene and sleep better tonight!

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things we can do for our mood, our energy levels, and our overall health, but unfortunately, getting this sleep can be a struggle for many people.

We all know that we should be aiming for around eight hours of sleep per night, but even if you are one of the few who is sleeping for long enough, you still won’t wake up feeling rested if your quality of sleep isn’t good. If you find yourself tossing and turning all night, your body isn’t reaching those deep levels of sleep that you really need to rest and recharge.

In this week’s post we’re sharing our top sleep hygiene tips to help you not only fall asleep faster but also stay asleep, so you can take full advantage of your sleeping hours.


Minimize screen time and bright lights before bed

This is a tough one for many people, but minimizing your screen time before bed goes a long way in helping to prep you for sleep. The blue light emitted from our phones and devices mimics day light, so it tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime, and you’ll have a harder time falling asleep.

If you can, avoid using your phone for the two hours before you go to sleep, and keep the lights in your home dim. This will signal to your body that it’s time for sleep and will help to support your circadian rhythm and make falling asleep much easier.

Keep your room temperature cool

Getting the temperature right is a huge factor in getting a good night’s sleep, and if you’re even a few degrees off, it can really mess with your sleep quality. Everyone will have a different temperature they sleep the best in, but on average aim to have your room set between 60 to 67 degrees.

If you find that your sleep is restless, this could very likely be the cause, and luckily, it’s a super easy fix!

Invest in good bedding

Not surprisingly, a good night’s sleep begins with good bedding! Having good bedding isn’t just about aesthetics- the material can make a big difference in your sleep temperature and comfort and can make or break a good sleep.

Synthetic materials often aren’t breathable or moisture wicking, so they can cause you to overheat in your sleep. Instead, opt for natural materials like organic cotton, linen, or bamboo. These materials are breathable and moisture wicking, so you’ll stay cool and comfortable throughout the night.

Similarly, choosing the right material for your comforter and pillows is essential. Synthetic pillows and comforters tend to hold in heat, so we recommend choosing bedding with natural materials like cotton, wool, or silk. Our 3 in 1 wool comforter is the perfect all season comforter- wool has unique moisture wicking and temperature regulating properties, and the 3 in 1 feature lets you adjust the warmth based on the seasons.

Get enough natural sunlight during the day

Getting a good night’s sleep actually starts in the morning! Getting natural light first thing in the morning and throughout the day helps your body’s circadian rhythm to understand when it’s morning and when it’s evening, so it can regulate hormone production to make you energized during the day and tired at night.

When we stay inside all day or work under artificial lighting, it’s much harder for our body to understand what time of day it is, and this can throw off our hormone production.

One of the best things you can do for your overall energy levels and sleep quality is to get outside for even a few minutes in the morning (ideally without sunglasses). It’s a small step that will go a long way!

Invest in a good night’s sleep with our collection of organic, fair trade bed sheets, comforters, and pillows.